Friday, 19 September 2014


last treatment coming up on Monday. Aim is to eat a couple of chips, a sandwich and a biscuit. We'll see. My progress has been amazing but I'm very aware that after Monday it's going to be up to me to keep pushing on and hopefully return to eating normally in the future.
I'm currently eating 5 or 6 times a day, little and often. Today is the first day I haven't had an ensure. Might have one later if my calorie count is low but hopefully not. Ate a dorito and some home made salsa, and a bowl of rice krispies during the session this morning. Food has to be moist or it's a real struggle to get it down, but compared to where we were a fortnight ago it's fantastic.
Only down side now is my lack of energy. The muscles in my legs have pretty much wasted away and will take a long time to build back up. Anything like emptying the dishwasher or ironing completely puffs me out. It will be a while til I'm fully back but it's all gravy from this point on.
Here is our guardian angel, Sumathi, who will remain a friend for life. She has helped to turn our lives around.

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