Tuesday, 22 April 2014


• wake at 6.30 with a mouth like a buzzards flip flop
• my long-suffering,patient & beautiful wife brings me a whistle-wetting cup of tea
• 8.00 Keeley leaves for work, I embark on my extensive bathroom routine, which consists of:

brush teeth (2minutes) and mouthwash
- cover feeding tube in plastic cling film stuff to enable me to have a shower
- shower trying very hard not to get tube wet
- emerge from shower & dry
- proceed with tube flushing & cleaning of area around stoma (hole in tummy)
- commence slathering (?) myself, particularly neck. & face, in acquious cream. My skin is literally dropping off due to the dehydrating nature of the treatment. To put this in context the bathroom floor needs hoovering every day!
- complete bathroom routine, retire to bedroom & get dressed, descend downstairs for my porridge which is now pretty much the only solid-ish thing I can manage.
- kids, suitably briefed by Keeley, offer cups of tea etc.

• take position on sofa and wait to see what the day brings. 

1 comment:

  1. That's quite an ordeal you're going through there, old chum, one which puts my five-minute encounter with an endoscopic camera last year very much into perspective. Here's hoping all goes well with the rest of the treatment.
