Monday, 24 February 2014

day 4 monday

Meet my constant companion of the last 3 days. I am attached to this little beaut 24 hours a day. The 20 minutes I am 'blocked off' from it in the morning, so that I can have a shower are complete bliss. Simple pleasures.

The 'Braun Infusomat Space'- configured for use with cytotoxic therapies, basically regulates the flow of chemo & saline into my poor little handy, which at the minute is going in at 83.34 ml/h.

Good start to monday-
• woke at 6 for obs
• nap until 7.45
• cornflakes, tea & toast
• cocktail of drugs - see yesterday 
• shower ( huzzah! )
• write this 
• settle down to watch James Martin's new programme about hospital food. Should be interesting.

12.00 our lovely friend Maria rings. It is great to hear from her.Just back from Cornwall with Colin & Fran, where we were supposed to be with them last week.We will hopefully get there later in the year.

12.17- the waft of my soup and corned beef sarnie drifts into the room like a rare gas. Just realising that the chemo is, as promised, nuking my taste buds. Salt and vinegar crisps don't register at all. Drinks taste horrible.
Have been given a list of the tablets I have to take home with me to counteract the sickness, potential for ulcers, diarrhoea etc. need one of those pill organising devices to make sure I remember them all.Maria suggests a spread - sheet! Don't really do them but I'll see what I can come up with.

Afternoon top 5:
• John Wayne Gacy Jr-Sufjan Stevens
• Sheep-Pink Floyd
• Comfortably Numb-Pink Floyd
•The Other Sude of Life-Japan
•My new career-Japan

Today's 3 0'clock selfie, captured on one of my 3 x hourly visits for a wee. That saline drip and gallons of water certainly keeps you regular pardners.

15.30 Lovely visit from family & guest visitor Jayne. Roomful of loveliness all round.

16.30. Drat. Being moved from my cosy little side room into a bay of 4. There'd better not be any snorers or I will be complaining to my MP.

19.40 visit from my beautiful wife compensates for being moved into room with no telly and the 1975 world snoring champion. Hey ho, I'll be home in 3 days suckers!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow dear boy! Hope you've got industrial strength ear plugs. Here's wishing you a good night's rest if at all possible. Much Love. K & A x x
